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Columns  Dreamcast Cheats

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Columns  Cheats On Dreamcast
Columns  Dreamcast Cheat Instuctions

Second magic jewel
Create one row of normal jewels stacked almost to the top of the playfield. Allow a vertical space for only two of the three jewels in the next block to fit. Watch the preview window for the next magic jewel block. When it appears, quickly move it to the top of the prepared stack. The magic jewel will eliminate the "touching" color jewels, and all of the remaining jewels will drop down, as will the single magic jewel that was off the playfield. This single magic jewel will drop down and eliminate another group of colored jewels.

10,000 bonus points
Create one vertical column that is empty all the way to the bottom of the playfield. Watch the preview window for the next magic jewel block. Position it in a way so it falls down this column to the bottom.

Create magic jewel
Begin a game in easy arcade mode. Fill the two columns on the far left or far right as high as possible with jewels to create a magic jewel

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