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Jonah: A Veggietales Movie  DVD Cheats

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  Jonah: A Veggietales Movie Cheats





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Jonah: A Veggietales Movie  Cheats On DVD
Jonah: A Veggietales Movie  DVD Cheat Instuctions

Hidden Rusty Sprockets Show

Pop disc two of "Jonah" into your DVD player. On the main menu, scroll to "Bonus Material" and hit the right button on your DVD remote. An anchor will appear, pointing to the fish tank. Hit enter, and you'll see an episode of the "Rusty Sprockets Show".

Million Pieces video

On Disc 2, in the music videos section, simply highlight and watch the In The Belly of The Whale video, and directly after, the video for Million Pieces begins

khalil's motivational tapes

insert disk two(special features) and choose the music. arrow left on billy joe muguffery. press enter on bubble to hear some funny motivational tapes

peas pirated movie

on disc two press bonus mterial and then arrow left on spanish outakes to highlight a pop bottle. press enter and watch the funny peas trying to pirate the movie for their friend

more outakes

on disc two go to fun and press enter and arrow right until and arrow apears on the button. press enter. there will more outakes from the movie

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