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Bubble Bobble Old and New Gameboy Advance Cheats

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  Bubble Bobble Old and New Cheats


  Gameboy Advance



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Bubble Bobble Old and New Cheats On Gameboy Advance
Bubble Bobble Old and New Gameboy Advance Cheat Instuctions

Super mode:
Choose a saved game file, then go to the Bubble Bobble New title screen. Press Right, R, Left, L, Select, R, Select, L. Super mode has new backgrounds, enemy formations, and an alternate ending. Repeat the code to return to normal mode.

Bonus items:
Enter one of the following initials at the high score screen, then start a new game to unlock the following items and effects.

Beer mug (pizza instead of bubbles)
Enter KTT as initials.

Flamingo (pink worms instead of bubbles)
Enter STR as initials.

Fork (enemies turn into fruit)
Enter SEX as initials.

Knife (enemies turn into various items)
Enter ... as initials.

Octopus (wooden stakes instead of bubbles)
Enter TAK as initials.

Soda can (enemies turn into various items)
Enter I.F, KIM, MTJ, NSO, or YSH as initials

Original Mode for "Old"
This code allows you to access the secret rooms even if you ie.
Enter the code at the ''Old'' mode's title screen.
L, R, L, R, L, R, Right, Select

Power-up Mode for "Old"
This code let's you start with the shoes, and all Candy Powerups for better bubble blowing.
At the ''Old'' Mode title screen enter this.
Select, R, L, Left, Right, R, Select, Right

Super Game mode for "Old"
This code allows you to play in Super mode which has remixed enemies in the various stages. You must beat the boss in Super mode with 2 players in order to get the good ending.
Enter the code at the ''Old'' mode's title screen.
Left, R, Left, Select, Left, L, Left, Select

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