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Giants: Citizen Kabuto PC Cheats

Game Name:

  Giants: Citizen Kabuto Cheats





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Giants: Citizen Kabuto Cheats On PC
Giants: Citizen Kabuto PC Cheat Instuctions

Cheat Mode:

During gameplay you can hit the T or Y button and enter in one of the following codes and hit enter:

Result Code

Display Frame Rate Fr
Full Base Energy Basefillerup
Full Health Pleasehealme
Instant Gift Shop Gimmiegifts
Instant Party House Itsmyparty
Instant Smarty Work Force Basepopulate
Show Entire Map Mapshowitall
Speedy Base Construction Basegoveryfast
Unlimited Mana Ineedspells
Unlock All Levels allmissionsaregoodtogo


Keep an eye on your base at all times and establish perimeter defenses as quickly as possible that way, you won't have to worry about attackers while you're off and about.

When playing as the Meccs, try to stay hidden, and pick off enemies from afar with the sniper rifles.

Try to stay out of deep water at all times, since flesh-eating piranhas populate the murky depths.

Eat evil Smarties as quickly as possible, but impale Vimps on your spikes for insurance you may need the health boost later on.

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