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Grand Slam Turkey Hunter PC Cheats

Game Name:

  Grand Slam Turkey Hunter Cheats





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Grand Slam Turkey Hunter Cheats On PC
Grand Slam Turkey Hunter PC Cheat Instuctions

To activate these cheats, press F2 during gameplay, type the code, then press Enter.

Cheat Code Result

GSFLASH - makes you run fast
GSSUPAFLASH - makes you run super fast
GSWWRRIGHT - makes you fly
GSSIDEWIND - takes you right to a turkey
GSDOOLITTLE - turkeys won't be afraid of you
GSTRACKER - reveals location of animals on the map
GSDEADEYE - arrow cam
GSCALLIN - brings the turkeys to you
GSLOCK - locks onto a turkey
GSBADDREAMS - slow bullets
GSRAIN - rain
GSSNOW - snow
GSTHUNDER - thunder
GSLIGHT - lightning
GSBULLETCAM - camera follows bullet
GSFIND - takes you up close to the nearest turkey
GSCADDYSHACK - lets you walk around at the target range

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