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Heretic PC Cheats

Game Name:

  Heretic Cheats





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  NOTE: Cheat information below advert

Heretic Cheats On PC
Heretic PC Cheat Instuctions

Little known trick: to get Heretic to run on a 386, start the game with HERETIC -DEBUG

The following cheat codes work everywhere except the 5th difficulty level.

IDDQD - Instant Death
IDKFA - No Weapons/Ammo
COCKADOODLEDOO - Turns yourself into a chicken
ENGAGExx - Level Warp (episode/map)
GIMMExx - Artifacts (a-j) (1-9) [d does not work]
A - Ring
B - Mask (Invisibility)
C - Potion
E - Tome of Power
F - Torch
G - Hour Glass (Time Bomb)
H - Eggs (Turn People into Chickens)
I - Golden Wings
J - Chaos device (warp to start of level)
KITTY - Toggle Clipping
MASSARE - Kills ALL monsters on level
PONCE - Full Health
QUICKEN - God Mode
RAMBO - All Weapons/Ammo
RAVMAP - Changes Map Mode [must be in map mode]
SHAZAM - Toggles Weapon Power
SKEL - All Skeleton Keys
TICKER - FPS Display

[Note: type -ravpic at startup and use F1 for screen shots]

Offsets in SAVEGAME files in hex (hex editing again? Arrgh.)

60 - Health -(0-200)
64 - Armor -(0-200)
68 - Shield -Numbers= 01
6C - Icon at Inventory loacation number #1 -Icons - 01=Ring
70 - Number of inventory item #1 - 02=Mask
74 - Icon at Inventory loacation number #2 - 03=Potion
78 - Number of inventory item #2 - 04=
7C - Icon at Inventory loacation number #3 - 05=Book
80 - Number of inventory item #3 - 06=Torch
84 - Icon at Inventory loacation number #4 - 07=Hour Glass
88 - Number of inventory item #4 - 08=Egg
8C - Icon at Inventory loacation number #5 - 09=Golden Wings
90 - Number of inventory item #5
94 - Icon at Inventory loacation number #6 -Numbers= 01-63hex (1-99).
98 - Number of inventory item #6
9C - Icon at Inventory loacation number #7
A0 - Number of inventory item #7
A4 - Icon at Inventory loacation number #8
A8 - Number of inventory item #8
E4 - Number of Items in inventory -Numbers= 00-08
10C - Yellow Key -Numbers= 01=YES
110 - Green Key
114 - Blue Key
134 - Staff
138 - Wand
13C - Crossbow
140 - Dragon's Claw
150 - Gloves
158 - Wand Ammo -Numbers= 0-03E7 (0-999)
15C - Crossbow Ammo
160 - Dragon's Claw Ammo
174 - Wand Max Ammo
178 - Crossbow Max Ammo
17C - Dragon's Claw Max Ammo
190 - God mode and clipping -God=02, Clipping=01, Both=03
EC - Ring Time (Low Adress) -1 minute = 0834hex
ED - Ring Time (High Address)
F0 - Mask Time (Low Adress)
F1 - Mask Time (High Address)
F8 - Torch Time (Low Adress)
F9 - Torch Time (High Address)
FC - Book Time (Low Adress)
FD - Book Time (High Address)
100 - Wing Time (Low Adress)
101 - Wing Time (High Adress)

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