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Kings Quest 8 PC Cheats

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  Kings Quest 8 Cheats





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Kings Quest 8 Cheats On PC
Kings Quest 8 PC Cheat Instuctions

Cheat Menu
Press (Left-Control)(Left Shift) and the number seven (7) all at the same time to activate the cheat menu then use one of the following: Then press (Left-Control)(Left Shift) and the number seven (7) all at the same time to exit the console.

ungod - disable god mode

concollide - disable no clipping mode

set kqconner::reincarnate true - instant return from death

teleport - Teleport anywhere on map-may crash game

god - god mode, some things like river of death, traps and falls will still kill you

bump - disable collision detection

give ???? 100 - give certain items, for example give mushroom 100 would give you 100 mushrooms

Type one of these or guess your own for the ???? in the 'give ???? 100' above

silvercoins - money
mushrooms - mushrooms
strength - strength potions
clarity - reveal potion
invisible - invisibility potion
Other Items:
item0= Dagger
item1= SmallAx
item2= BroadSword
item3= Mace
item4= LakeSword
item5= SkelKingSword
item6= BattleAx
item7= WarHammer
item8= Pike
item9= LongSword
item10= FlameSword
item11= TempleSword
item12= SmCrossbow
item13= AzrielHammer
item14= SmCpndCBow
item15= ShortBow
item16= LongBow
item17= CrossBow
item18= CpndCrossbow
item19= FlameBow
item20= IceCrossbow
item21= WeeperEyes
item22= DemonRocks
item23= SkelBow
item24= SlmSlime
item25= WitchBolt
item26= Lava
item27= Fists
item28= Icycle

item29= LeatherGloves
item30= LeatherArmor
item31= LeatherBoots
item32= ChainMailShirt
item33= ChainMailGloves
item34= ChainMailSuit
item35= PlateMail
item36= BronzePlate
item37= FullArmor
item38= Helmet
item39= TempleArmor
item40= GodArmor

;Health & Magic items
item41= Mushroom
item42= SacredWater
item43= Crystal
item44= ElixerOfLife
item45= Clarity
item46= Invisible
item47= Invulnerable
item48= Strength

item49= RingOfDeadHero
item50= Ashes
item51= Candle
item52= SilverCoins
item53= MagicMap
item54= RopeAndHook
item55= RingOfLight
item56= KeyToDeathMaze
item57= Mold
item58= BrokenShield
item59= RustedBrokenShield
item60= HearingHorn
item61= AntiPoisonFlower
item62= GreenMushroomPiece
item63= Rock
item64= IronLock
item65= OakRoot
item66= LodeStone
item67= CrystalPyramid
item68= BlackDiamond
item69= AmberGlow
item70= BasiliskTongue
item71= FireGem
item72= PipeCap1
item73= PipeCap2
item74= DragonKey
item75= RockKey
item76= BlueAdamant
item77= JailKey
item78= DecipheringAmulet
item79= Paddle
item80= Feather
item81= GoodSkull
item82= BadSkull
item83= RoundKey
item84= SquareKey
item85= Ladle
item86= hmhand
item87= Mask1
item88= Mask2
item89= Mask3
item90= Mask4
item91= Mask5
item92= Piece1
item93= Piece2
item94= Piece3
item95= Piece4
item96= Scroll
item97= LadyBell
item98= RustedLock
item99= KeepKey
item100= StoneOrder
item101= MetalShaft
item102= TruthKey
item103= LightKey
item104= OrderKey
item105= MarbleTablet0
item106= MaskMedalian
item107= Grail
item108= Mask3B
item109= Piece5
item110= UniHorn
item111= SpellPage
item112= Mask1A
item113= Piece1A
item114= DarkPyramid
item115= ShardFuse
item116= MarbleTablet1
item117= MarbleTablet2
item118= MarbleTablet3
item119= GriffRoomKey
item120= GriffCageKey
item121= ClockShaft
item122= HookDown
item123= HookUp
item124= SpinningMask
item125= Orcbow
item126= Spear
item127= IceShard
item128= IceLever

;Lucreto's scepter
item129= LucretoFire

;Connor starts with no weapon or armor
item130= NoRanged
item131= NoArmor
item132= BirthdaySuit
item133= Logo1
item134= Logo2

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