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Arctic Thunder  Playstation 2 Cheats

Game Name:

  Arctic Thunder Cheats


  Playstation 2



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  NOTE: Cheat information below advert

Arctic Thunder  Cheats On Playstation 2
Arctic Thunder  Playstation 2 Cheat Instuctions

The following codes must be done after the startup screen, the screen right before you choose your rider. None of these codes work in point races:

Expert mode

Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Start.

All Grappling Hooks and Randoms mode

Circle, Circle, L2, Circle, Cricle, L1, Start.

All Snow Bombs and Randoms mode

Circle, Circle, R1, R2, Start.

No drones mode

Square, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, R1, Start.

All Boost mode

Circle, R1, R1, Circle, R2, Start.

No power-ups mode

Square, Square, Circle, Square, R2, Square, Start.

Clone mode

L1, L2, L2, Circle, L1, Circle, Start.

Everyone invisible mode

Square, Circle, Square, R2, Circle, Cirlce, Start.

All Rooster Tails mode

R1, R2, L2, L1, Square, Start.

Super boost wheelie mode

Circle, L1, Square, R2, Square, L2, Start.

All Randoms mode

R1, R2, Square, Circle, R1, R2, Start.

All Atomic Snowballs mode

Square Square, Square, L1, Circle, Start.

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