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Digimon Rumble Arena 2 Xbox Cheats

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  Digimon Rumble Arena 2 Cheats





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Digimon Rumble Arena 2 Cheats On Xbox
Digimon Rumble Arena 2 Xbox Cheat Instuctions

At the title screen enter: Y, RIGHT, DOWN, B, L, A, R, A, Y.

At the title screen enter: RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, A, L + R.

At the title screen enter: X, RIGHT, A, Y, Left, B, L + R

Defeat BlackAgumon in single player mode when he surprise attacks you. He can digivolve into BackGreymon and BlackWarGreymon.

Defeat BlackGabumon in single player mode when he attacks you. He can digivolve into BlackGarurumon and BlackMetalGarurumon.

Defeat BlackGuilmon in single player mode when he attacks you. He can digivolve into BlackGrowlmon and ChaosGallantmon.

Defeat Diaboramon in single player mode. He is the Boss fourth to the top and cannot digivolve.

Defeat Duskmon in single player mode. He is the Boss second to the top and cannot digivolve.

Defeat MaloMyotismon in single player mode. He is the boss on the top and cannot digivolve.

Defeat Neemon in single player mode. He is the boss fifth to the top and cannot digivolve.

Defeat Omnimon in single player mode. He is the boss third to the top and cannot digivolve.

In single player mode, defeat any of the following Digimon to unlock it: Duskmon, Diaboramon, Omnimon, MaloMyotismon, or Neemon.

In single player mode, go to the Boss on the bottom. Defeat them to unlock the stage.

When you at the highest level form of Digimon or the Digimon cannot Digivolve, you can perform a Special Attack, called an "Ultra".

Diaboromon: Digi-devolve another surrounding opponent to the lowest level.

When you reach your most powerful form (the third level of Digivolution or those who cannot Digivolve), you gain access to your bonus attack. Hold L and "Special Attack" to prepare it, then release. You should unleash a powerful attack.

Angewomon: Heel of Justice
Blackmetalgarurumon: Giga Destruction
Blackwargreymon: War Blaster
Burninggreymon: Burning Grey Blaster
Chaosgallantmon: Shield Attack
Diaboromon: Virus Download
Duskmon: Geist Blade
Gallantmon: Shield Attack (Final Purification)
Garudamon: Garudapunch
Lilymon: Sun Crescent Kick
Magnaangemon: Excali-burst
Malomyotismon: Crimson mist
Megakabuterimon: Rhyno Charge
Metalgarurumon: Giga Missile
Neemon: Gassed Off
Omnimon: Transcendent Sword
Wargreymon: War Driver
Zudomon: Anvil Smash

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